Obituary Information And Guidelines

Contact Times

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Weekends 12pm-5pm
*Deadline is Noon Central Time for next day publication

*Publication days are Wednesday and Saturday

Contact Information

Email: info@modulist.news
Phone: (701) 241-5509 or (866) 910-9009

Paid Obituaries

All obituaries are paid advertisements. Obituaries are charged a base rate of $100 with 500 words or less. Photos and more words are available with an extra charge. All obituaries must be able to be verified with an official source (funeral home, cremation service, death certificate, anatomy bequest program). Obituaries are submitted via our submission website . Obituaries can run an additional time at 50 percent off (as long as it is the same text).

Death Notice

Death notices include limited information and are subject to editing to fit within our guidelines and do NOT include dates and times of service. All notices must be able to be verified with an official source (funeral home, cremation service, death certificate, anatomy bequest program). Death notices are Free of charge and submitted via our submission website .

Celebration of Life/Service Announcement

Celebration of Life and Service Announcements include limited information about service times of arrangements and are subject to editing to fit within our guidelines. A Celebration of Life or Service Announcement do not include a life story. A Celebration of Life/Service Announcement costs $45 and is submitted via our submission website .